Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What about the Other Half of the Bond?

It was nice to see that Martin Libhart finally came clean with the amount of the $350 million bond issue that will be used to pay for FEMA safe rooms. $75 million...just over 21% of the total bond amount.

The USD 259 website proclaims that "It is a FACT that LESS THAN ONE-THIRD of the facility improvements in the bond issue plan are for fine arts, physical education and athletic facilities." (The capitalization makes it extra-true?) That would be less than $190,500,000 going to those types of facilities.

$350,000,000 Bond Issue
-$115,500,000 Arts/Athletic
-$ 75,000,000 FEMA shelters
$159,000,000 ?????

-- Martin Libhart seems to be off to a great start. He has cracked the whip on the USD 259 Public Relations Department and finally made them take the list of reasons why the bond vote HAD to be on the May 6th. Good Job Martin!

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